Crafting Art Through Metal Sculpture

Presenting original large metal sculpture for private collections and public spaces. All pieces are hand forged from steel using welding and fabricating techniques without the use of any casting processes.

About Eric

Eric Ober was found to be M.I.A. (Missing In Action) at his desk as a mechanical engineer in 1999. His wife could sense that the fire in his eyes was dimming and work was a chore. When asked what he wanted to do it was no surprise to Eric that he wanted to return to creating and working with his hands. Although Eric enjoyed working overseas designing tools for sub sea robots, he continued to dream of one day creating steel sculpture again as he did in college between playing football and studying at Rice University.

Contact Me

7755 Synott Rd.

Houston, TX 77083

voice: 281.787.2019

fax: 281.530.8707